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Paul Ryan

Former House Speaker Paul Ryan discusses the impact of social media on politics

Ryan sat down with former Rep. Harold Ford Jr. to talk about the role of social media in politics

Ryan said he believes social media has had a negative impact on politics, making it more difficult to have civil discourse

Former House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) sat down with former Rep. Harold Ford Jr. (D-Tenn.) on Wednesday to talk about the impact of social media on politics. Ryan said he believes social media has had a negative impact on politics, making it more difficult to have civil discourse. "I think social media has made it harder to have civil discourse," Ryan said. "It's made it easier to get your own news and to live in your own bubble." Ryan said he believes social media has also made it more difficult for people to find common ground. "It's made it harder to find common ground because you're only exposed to people who agree with you," Ryan said. "And that's not how you find common ground." Ryan said he believes it is important for people to be able to have civil discourse and to find common ground. "I think it's important for us to be able to have civil discourse and to find common ground," Ryan said. "And I think social media is making that more difficult."
